SOo these are new. A project for school. the assignment was to get a 2-dimensional model to work from and we had a list of options. One of which was Greek vase painting. I picked Achilles and Ajax playing a game by Exekias. It was an amphora vase. What was particulary interesting about this peice was that not only did Exekias sign it and label every person within the compostion, he also gave them them speach bubbles. They are playing dice, and are saying the number that they got.

We then had to take reference pictures because the end process of the project is to turn this into a much more 3-diminsional work and play with the composition to make it much more interesting. So Lana and I gave Adam and Mario mops and told them they where spears(NEVER give boys mops and tell them they are spears. They will chase you around your apartment and try to kill you)
Here are these fun photos.

And here is the final project. Although its not the entire thing (it wouldnt fit in the scanner i was using). The second one was an experiment with the scanner settings. Im not sure how i feel about it just yet. I does need a little more work. But overall its turned out well.

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