Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Cigarettes: tabacoo leaves rolled in a paper for smoking.

Cigarettes are dear to my heart. Most of my family smokes. It's a part of my culture. I smoke like a frieght train.

Public Nudity ; those people be neked Paw Paw

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Reptilian Overlords

Reptilian Overlords; Hard core conspiracy theory in which someone beleives that the universe is controlled by Reptiles from another dimension disguised as humans.

There are people who beleive this. I've met them, they are strange.


Hipsters according to Urban dictionary is a generation of open minded, counterculture. They value independent thinking and also seem to have a specific type of music that is popular amoung Hipsters. I imagine hipster culture would vary from place to place, but then again don't listen to me. I don't know anything, I'm just a waitress.

I am apparently a hipster by default because i go to art school


twilight porn

Twilight is a popular series of books about a young man who is a vampire and his strange half i love her half i want to eat her love story with this girl. The books are written by Stephanie Meyer. They are the new Harry Potter, unfortuantly. Harry Potter was awesome, just sayin.

Twilight porn is pornography based off of this story line. It is pretty funny....

I once watched Twilight porn with Lana and wine. We didn't make it past your dick is so cold..

For reasons I beleive I don't need to explain i did not post pictures of Twilight porn on my blog.

Me and Jesus Don't talk anymore : Religion

Religion: a set beleifs that concern creation, morals, purpose etc. Religions vary from culture to culture. They provide a social community for humans. Most religions worship a god or gods.

I was raised southern Baptist, but I am not personally religious.

Twenty Five Circles of Hell

Dear Shane, I keep seeing circles... so many circles...
